Creative Napkin Folding

I don’t know about you, but I hardly ever use cloth napkins. Chinet’s site gives you easy-to-follow 
directions to make pretty napkin sculptures with 
dinner-size PAPER napkins, yay! It gives you the videos and step-by-step pictures.

Wine Glass Candle Holders

The great thing about this craft is that you can use dollar store items, including the wine glasses. And if you have pets or small children around, or are super klutzy like me, you can even use plastic glasses! If you don’t have glue, no problem! Just set your glass on top of a saucer or coaster. You can use so many things to put inside the glass: miniatures, small ornaments, candy, crumpled paper or ribbons, pebbles, marbles, feathers, sea shells… the possibilities are unlimited!  

Marbelizing with Nail Polish

You can marbelize plastic, like I did with the  coffee jar on the right, but the best results are on glass or ceramic. Watch the video!

Tissue Paper Pompoms

These pompoms can make any occasion more festive, and it's a great craft to do with kids or with a group of friends. 

It’s easy and, best of all, it’s cheap! You can get all the 

materials at the dollar store! You’ll need tissue paper (not 

crepe paper!), string or twine or yarn or floral wire, and 

scissors. That’s it! 

To download the instructions, click here for a Word document or here for a PDF.

There are also good videos on YouTube. Click on the link:

Large pompom balls:

Pompom garland:

Small flower with stem:

------------ More crafts you can make at home ------------

For instructions for a collection of easy crafts, click here for a Word document or here for a PDF.

You can also download this Modge Podge crafts booklet PDF.

Create a Sea Glass Effect with Elmer's Glue
Harkening back to our elementary school days, these crafts use simple household ingredients that almost everyone has on hand: Elmer's white glue (or "school glue"), food coloring, salt, and flour.
Learn how to create a sea glass effect on glass or how to make salt dough with this Word document or PDF.


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